I’ve decided to learn and take a closer look at some not-so-famous things in C#. I have knowledge about different aspects of the language, and I want to recall them, systematize them, make little notes and of course, learn something new. And my first stop is SynchronizationContext.

As far as I understand now, SynchronizationContext is a mechanism to group some threads and give them some jobs to execute. For example, you can dedicate several threads specifically to IO operations. Or give to some library only a limited set of threads. With SynchronizationContext consumer doesn’t care about threads or how to manage them. He schedules all his tasks with the help of this abstraction. We can switch the implementation, but for the consumer everything will be the same.

This type has two main methods to schedule a work item: Send and Post. The first is for synchronous execution, the second is for asynchronous execution. In the default context, they look as follows:

public virtual void Send(SendOrPostCallback d, object? state) => d(state);
public virtual void Post(SendOrPostCallback d, object? state) => ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(static s => s.d(s.state), (d, state), preferLocal: false);

To see this in action, I’ve created a small sample:

Console.WriteLine($"Current thread: {Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId}");

var syncContext = new SynchronizationContext();
syncContext.Send(_ => Console.WriteLine($"Thread from the Send method: {Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId}"), null);
syncContext.Post(_ => Console.WriteLine($"Thread from the Pend method: {Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId}"), null);


And the result of this code:

Current thread: 1
Thread from the Send method: 1
Thread from the Pend method: 6

Thus, it could be said that default SynchronizationContext groups threads from the ThreadPool and schedules asynchronous jobs on them.

Next note


The source code is available here
