To get a better understanding, it’s always handy to look at a few examples.


The first one is WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext. This context is used while working with a Windows Forms application. When you’re dealing with UI, you need to update your controls from the main thread. So, this context schedules all work for one thread.

public override void Send(SendOrPostCallback d, object state)
    Thread destinationThread = DestinationThread;
    if (destinationThread is null || !destinationThread.IsAlive)
        throw new InvalidAsynchronousStateException(SR.ThreadNoLongerValid);

    controlToSendTo?.Invoke(d, new object[] { state });

public override void Post(SendOrPostCallback d, object state)
    controlToSendTo?.BeginInvoke(d, new object[] { state });

The documentation of Control.Invoke and Control.BeginInvoke says that

Invoke - Executes a delegate on the thread that owns the control’s underlying window handle. BeginInvoke - Executes a delegate asynchronously on the thread that the control’s underlying handle was created on.

Indeed, every callback will run on a single thread.


Next context is DispatcherSynchronizationContext. It is used by WPF applications, so it should also schedule callbacks to the main thread.

internal Dispatcher _dispatcher;

public override void Send(SendOrPostCallback d, Object state)
    // Call the Invoke overload that preserves the behavior of passing
    // exceptions to Dispatcher.UnhandledException.  
    if(BaseCompatibilityPreferences.GetInlineDispatcherSynchronizationContextSend() && _dispatcher.CheckAccess())
        // Same-thread, use send priority to avoid any reentrancy.
        _dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Send, d, state);
        // Cross-thread, use the cached priority.
        _dispatcher.Invoke(_priority, d, state);

public override void Post(SendOrPostCallback d, Object state)
    // Call BeginInvoke with the cached priority.  Note that BeginInvoke
    // preserves the behavior of passing exceptions to
    // Dispatcher.UnhandledException unlike InvokeAsync.  This is
    // desireable because there is no way to await the call to Post, so
    // exceptions are hard to observe.
    _dispatcher.BeginInvoke(_priority, d, state);

Here is a quote about Dispatcher class from the documentation:

The Dispatcher maintains a prioritized queue of work items for a specific thread. When a Dispatcher is created on a thread, it becomes the only Dispatcher that can be associated with the thread, even if the Dispatcher is shut down.

Thus, it is clear that in this case, too, all the work will be done on a single thread.


Another interesting example is a context from the xUnit library. The main purpose of it is to limit the number of threads that will execute unit tests.

public class MaxConcurrencySyncContext : SynchronizationContext, IDisposable
    readonly List<Thread> workerThreads;
    readonly ConcurrentQueue<(SendOrPostCallback callback, object? state, ExecutionContext? context)> workQueue = new();


    public MaxConcurrencySyncContext(int maximumConcurrencyLevel)
        workerThreads =
                .Range(0, maximumConcurrencyLevel)
                .Select(_ => { var result = new Thread(WorkerThreadProc); result.Start(); return result; })

This context creates a workQueue for working items and a bunch of threads to handle that queue.

And here is how the two main methods look like.

public override void Post(SendOrPostCallback d, object? state)
    // HACK: DNX on Unix seems to be calling this after it's disposed. In that case,
    // we'll just execute the code directly, which is a violation of the contract
    // but should be safe in this situation.
    if (disposed)
        Send(d, state);
        var context = ExecutionContext.Capture();
        workQueue.Enqueue((d, state, context));

public override void Send(SendOrPostCallback d, object? state)

Of course, it’s curious to try this context. I’ve created a small application:

var maximumConcurrencyLevel = 1;
Console.WriteLine($"Current thread: {Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId}");
var syncContext = new MaxConcurrencySyncContext(maximumConcurrencyLevel);
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    syncContext.Post(_ => Console.WriteLine($"Thread id: {Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId}"), null);

By setting different values of the maximumConcurrencyLevel parameter, you can see how the result changes.

var maximumConcurrencyLevel = 1;

Current thread: 1
Thread id: 7
Thread id: 7
Thread id: 7
Thread id: 7
Thread id: 7

var maximumConcurrencyLevel = 3;

Current thread: 1
Thread id: 7
Thread id: 9
Thread id: 8
Thread id: 7
Thread id: 9

var maximumConcurrencyLevel = 5;

Current thread: 1
Thread id: 8
Thread id: 10
Thread id: 9
Thread id: 7
Thread id: 11

It seems like it’s time to try to create my own context.

Next note


The source code is available here
