Counter examples
This page shows some built-in EventCounters
that may be useful for monitoring the performance of your application.
How to specify providers and counters
Select one or more providers and their counters and put them in the Providers
field in comma separated format. If you want to watch all counters of one provider, do not specify square brackets. For example, System.Runtime[cpu-usage,working-set],Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting
or System.Runtime[cpu-usage,working-set],Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting[total-requests]

Counter | Description |
cpu-usage | The percent of the process's CPU usage relative to all of the system CPU resources |
working-set | Amount of working set used by the process |
gc-heap-size | Total heap size reported by the GC |
gen-0-gc-count | Number of Gen 0 GCs between update intervals |
gen-1-gc-count | Number of Gen 1 GCs between update intervals |
gen-2-gc-count | Number of Gen 2 GCs between update intervals |
time-in-gc | % time in GC since the last GC |
gen-0-size | Gen 0 Heap Size |
gen-1-size | Gen 1 Heap Size |
gen-2-size | Gen 2 Heap Size |
loh-size | LOH (Large Object Heap) Size |
poh-size | POH (Pinned Object Heap) Size |
alloc-rate | The number of bytes allocated per update interval |
gc-fragmentation | GC Heap Fragmentation |
assembly-count | Number of Assemblies Loaded |
exception-count | Number of Exceptions / sec |
threadpool-thread-count | Number of ThreadPool Threads |
monitor-lock-contention-count | Number of times there were contention when trying to take the monitor lock between update intervals |
threadpool-queue-length | ThreadPool Work Items Queue Length |
threadpool-completed-items-count | ThreadPool Completed Work Items Count |
active-timer-count | Number of timers that are currently active |
il-bytes-jitted | Total IL bytes jitted |
methods-jitted-count | Number of methods jitted |
gc-committed | The number of bytes committed by the GC |
Counter | Description |
requests-per-second | Number of requests between update intervals |
total-requests | Total number of requests |
current-requests | Current number of requests |
failed-requests | Failed number of requests |
Counter | Description |
connections-duration | The average duration of a connection in milliseconds |
current-connections | The number of active connections that have started, but not yet stopped |
connections-started | The total number of connections that have started |
connections-stopped | The total number of connections that have stopped |
connections-timed-out | The total number of connections that have timed out |
Counter | Description |
connections-per-second | Number of connections between update intervals |
total-connections | Total Connections |
tls-handshakes-per-second | Number of TLS Handshakes made between update intervals |
total-tls-handshakes | Total number of TLS handshakes made |
current-tls-handshakes | Number of currently active TLS handshakes |
failed-tls-handshakes | Total number of failed TLS handshakes |
current-connections | Number of current connections |
connection-queue-length | Length of Kestrel Connection Queue |
request-queue-length | Length total HTTP request queue |
current-upgraded-requests | The current number of upgraded requests (WebSockets) |
Counter | Description |
requests-started | Total Requests Started |
requests-started-rate | Number of Requests Started between update intervals |
requests-aborted | Total Requests Aborted |
requests-aborted-rate | Number of Requests Aborted between update intervals |
requests-failed | Total Requests Failed |
requests-failed-rate | Number of Requests Failed between update intervals |
current-requests | Current Requests |
http11-connections-current-total | The current number of HTTP 1.1 connections that have started but not yet completed or failed |
http20-connections-current-total | The current number of HTTP 2.0 connections that have started but not yet completed or failed |
http30-connections-current-total | The current number of HTTP 3.0 connections that have started but not yet completed or failed |
http11-requests-queue-duration | The average duration of the time HTTP 1.1 requests spent in the request queue |
http20-requests-queue-duration | The average duration of the time HTTP 2.0 requests spent in the request queue |
http30-requests-queue-duration | The average duration of the time HTTP 3.0 requests spent in the request queue |
Counter | Description |
dns-lookups-requested | The number of DNS lookups requested since the process started |
dns-lookups-duration | Average DNS Lookup Duration |
current-dns-lookups | The current number of DNS lookups that have started but not yet completed or failed |
Counter | Description |
tls-handshake-rate | The number of TLS handshakes completed per update interval |
total-tls-handshakes | The total number of TLS handshakes completed since the process started |
current-tls-handshakes | The current number of TLS handshakes that have started but not yet completed |
failed-tls-handshakes | The total number of TLS handshakes failed since the process started |
all-tls-sessions-open | The number of active all TLS sessions |
tls10-sessions-open | The number of active TLS 1.0 sessions |
tls11-sessions-open | The number of active TLS 1.1 sessions |
tls12-sessions-open | The number of active TLS 1.2 sessions |
tls13-sessions-open | The number of active TLS 1.3 sessions |
all-tls-handshake-duration | The average duration of all TLS handshakes |
tls10-handshake-duration | The average duration of TLS 1.0 handshakes |
tls11-handshake-duration | The average duration of TLS 1.1 handshakes |
tls12-handshake-duration | The average duration of TLS 1.2 handshakes |
tls13-handshake-duration | The average duration of TLS 1.3 handshakes |
Counter | Description |
outgoing-connections-established | The total number of outgoing connections established since the process started |
incoming-connections-established | The total number of incoming connections established since the process started |
bytes-received | The total number of bytes received since the process started |
bytes-sent | The total number of bytes sent since the process started |
datagrams-received | The total number of datagrams received since the process started |
datagrams-sent | The total number of datagrams sent since the process started |
Counter | Description |
active-db-contexts | The number of active, undisposed DbContext instances currently in your application |
total-execution-strategy-operation-failures | The total number of times a database operation failed to execute |
execution-strategy-operation-failures-per-second | The number of times a database operation failed to execute per update interval |
total-optimistic-concurrency-failures | The total number of times SaveChanges failed because of an optimistic concurrency error, because data in the data store was changed since your code loaded it |
optimistic-concurrency-failures-per-second | The number of times SaveChanges failed because of an optimistic concurrency error, because data in the data store was changed since your code loaded it per update interval |
total-queries | The total number of queries executed |
queries-per-second | The number of queries executed per update interval |
compiled-query-cache-hit-rate | The ratio of query cache hits to misses |
total-save-changes | The total number of times SaveChanges has been called |
save-changes-per-second | The number of times SaveChanges has been called per update interval |